All major Danish car importers use to register vehicles for Danish consumers, and today, 99% of all passenger cars get their number plate through our system.
All types of vehicles with number plates
In order to improve the data quality in the industry and simplify the importers' task of registering vehicles, we've developed in close co-operation with both sector organisations and the authorities. Today, the system is used to register of everything from trailers to motorcycles, and semi-trailers to mopeds – in fact all vehicles with a number plate.

Developed with the industry for the industry
In co-operation with the Danish Transport Authority, the Danish Motor Vehicle Agency, and the sector organisation for car importers De Danske Bilimportører (now Mobility Denmark), among others, we've not only made the registration process more efficient, for instance by collecting technical data directly from the factories, has also made it easy for vehicles importers to share information with important partners and authorities.

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